In accordance with Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the entity, Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. with CIF B98705353 and registered office at Ronda Narciso Monturiol y Estarriol. Edificio Tecnoparq 7-9. 1-15 Parque Tecnológico de Paterna, 46980 Paterna, Valencia, is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia, Volume 9909, Book 7191, Page 25, Section 8, Sheet V-163443, Registration 1.

You can contact us by sending an email to the following address: [email protected].


Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. is committed to complying with current data protection regulations and ensuring the security of your personal data. Therefore, the privacy policy of this website informs about the data processing carried out.


The terms and conditions indicated below regulate access to and use of the website (hereinafter, the site or website), which is the responsibility of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L., whose registered office is at Ronda Narciso Monturiol y Estarriol. Edificio Tecnoparq 7-9. 1-15 Parque Tecnológico de Paterna, 46980 Paterna, Valencia. The expression “site or website” includes texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, etc. included therein, and, in general, all creations expressed by any means or support, tangible or intangible, currently known or invented in the future, regardless of whether they are susceptible to intellectual property rights under the Consolidated Text of the Intellectual Property Law or any future regulation that replaces it.

Accessing the site implies that the visitor acquires a series of rights and obligations, in order to ensure the proper enjoyment of the services and contents found therein, which Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. makes available to the user free of charge, unless the specific conditions regulating a particular service or content accessible through the website state that the user must pay an amount for its use and enjoyment.

The visitor is aware that accessing and using the services and contents of the site is done under their sole and exclusive responsibility.

User status is acquired by accessing the website. The user will use the services and contents exclusively for personal purposes and/or by reason of their status as a client of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L., excluding any subsequent use for profit or benefit, direct or indirect.

Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. informs the user of the following general conditions of use, which are expressly and fully accepted by them by merely accessing the website and/or viewing the contents or using the services contained on the website.

If these general conditions are replaced by others in whole or in part, the new general conditions will be understood to be accepted in the same manner as stated. However, the user of the website should periodically review these general conditions to know the successive versions included here, although it is recommended that the user accesses them each time they intend to access or use the services and contents of the website.

In the event that the user does not accept these general conditions or, if applicable, the specific conditions regulating the use of a particular service and/or content intended for the users of the website determined by the entity, the user must refrain from accessing the website.

Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. may establish Particular Conditions for the use of certain contents and services, which must be known and accepted by the user prior to their use in accordance with the terms set forth in those Particular Conditions.

The user must implement appropriate technical security measures to prevent unwanted actions on their information systems, files, and computer equipment used to access the Internet, especially the website, being aware that the Internet is not completely secure.


Through access to the site, the user will be able to enjoy the use of various contents and services that will be offered either by Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. or, where applicable, by third-party providers under the conditions determined for them.

Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. may unilaterally and without prior notice modify the provision, configuration, content, and services of the site, as well as the conditions of use of the same and access to the services provided, without prejudice to the provisions of the particular conditions regulating the use of a specific service and/or content intended for the clients of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. and/or users of the website.

The cost of telephone consumption or other expenses incurred by accessing the website will be borne exclusively by the user.


The user may:

• Access free of charge and without prior authorization to the available contents of the site
• Make correct and lawful use of the site, in accordance with current legislation, morality, good customs, and public order.


Under no circumstances may the user:

• Access or use the services and contents of the site for illegal purposes, harmful to the rights and freedoms of others, or that may damage, harm, or impede access to them in any way, to the detriment of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. or third parties.
• Use the services, in whole or in part, to promote, sell, contract, or disseminate advertising or information of their own or of third parties without prior authorization from Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L.
• Introduce information on the website or use the existing services therein with the purpose of directly or indirectly infringing upon the rights, particularly fundamental rights and public freedoms of other users of the website or of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. that incite or promote the commission of criminal acts, xenophobic, terrorist or degrading acts based on age, sex, religion, or beliefs; or of a pornographic, obscene, violent nature, or that infringe upon the law, morality, or good customs. For these purposes, “information” shall be understood to mean: texts, graphics, images, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, data, notes, etc.
• Include hyperlinks on their personal or commercial web pages to this website that do not limit solely and exclusively to accessing its main page.
• Use the services and contents offered through the site contrary to the general conditions of use and/or the particular conditions regulating the use of a specific service and/or content, and to the detriment or detracting from the rights of other users.
• Perform any action that impedes or hinders access to the site by users, as well as the hyperlinks to the services and contents offered by Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. or by third parties through the website.
• Use the website as a means of accessing the Internet for the commission of illegal acts or actions contrary to current legislation, morality, good customs, and public order.
• Employ any type of computer virus, code, software, computer program, or telecommunications equipment that may cause damage or unauthorized alterations to the contents, programs, or systems accessible through the services and contents provided on the website or in the information systems, files, and computer equipment of the users thereof; or unauthorized access to any content and/or services of the website.
• Remove or modify in any way the protective or identification devices of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. or its legitimate owners that may contain the contents hosted on the website, or the symbols that Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. or the legitimate third-party holders of rights incorporate into their creations subject to intellectual or industrial property existing on this website.
• Include in their responsible or owned websites “metatags” corresponding to trademarks, trade names, or distinctive signs owned by Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L..
• Reproduce, in whole or in part, the website Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. on another site or web page, and may not frame the site or the web pages accessible through it that hide or modify, contents, advertising spaces, and trademarks of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. or third parties, regardless of whether they constitute acts of unfair competition or confusion.
• Create frames within a website of their responsibility or ownership that reproduce the main page and

/or the pages accessible through it, corresponding to this website without the prior authorization of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L.
• Include on a website of their responsibility or ownership a hyperlink that generates a window or session of the navigation software used by a visitor, user, or client of their website, which includes brands, trade names, or distinctive signs of their ownership and through which the main website page of or any of the pages accessible through it is displayed.
• Use the brand, trade names, as well as any other identifying sign that is subject to intellectual or industrial property rights, without the prior express and written authorization of its owner.
• Carry out any action that involves the reproduction, distribution, copying, rental, public communication, transformation, or any other similar action that involves the modification or alteration of all or part of the contents and services of the site or their economic exploitation, without the prior express and written authorization of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L., or the third party owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights applicable to the services or contents of the website, and without prejudice to the provisions of these general conditions or, where applicable, specific conditions regulating the use of a service and/or content existing on the website.


Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. reserves the following rights:
• Modify the access conditions to the page, whether technical or otherwise, unilaterally and without prior notice to users, without prejudice to the provisions in the particular conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content intended for the clients of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. and/or users of the website.
• Establish particular conditions and, if applicable, the requirement of a price or other prerequisites for access to certain services and/or content.
• Limit, exclude, or condition users’ access when all guarantees for proper use of the site by them are not met, in accordance with the obligations and prohibitions assumed by them.
• Terminate the provision of a service or supply of content, without the right to compensation, when it is illegal or contrary to the established conditions, without prejudice to the provisions in the particular conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content intended for users of the website.
• Modify, delete, or update all or part of the contents or services offered through the site without prior notice, without prejudice to the provisions in the particular conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content intended for users of the website.
• Undertake any legal action deemed appropriate to protect the rights of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. as well as those of third parties who provide their services or content through the site, whenever appropriate.
• Demand compensation that may arise from the improper or illegal use of all or part of the services and contents provided through the site.


Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. is exempt from any type of liability for damages of any nature in the following cases:

• Due to the impossibility or difficulties of connecting to the communication network through which this website is accessible, regardless of the type of connection used by the user.
• Due to the interruption, suspension, or cancellation of access to the website, as well as the availability and continuity of the functioning of the site or the services and/or contents therein, when this is due to a cause beyond the control of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L., whether directly or indirectly.
Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. assumes no responsibility regarding services and contents, nor for the availability and conditions, technical or otherwise, of access to them, offered by third-party service providers, especially regarding service providers of information society.
Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. is in no way responsible for the damages or losses that may arise from the information, content, products, and services provided, communicated, hosted, transmitted, displayed, or offered by third parties unrelated to Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L., including information society service providers through a website accessible via a link on this site.
• For the processing and subsequent use of personal data carried out by third parties unrelated to Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L., as well as the relevance of the information requested by them.
• For the quality and speed of access to the site and for the technical conditions that the user must meet in order to access the site and its services and/or contents.
Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. will not be responsible for delays or failures that occur in the access and/or functioning of the services and/or contents of the website due to a case of Force Majeure. “Force Majeure” means all those causes that could not have been foreseen, or that, even if foreseen, were inevitable, and that result in the non-fulfillment of any of its obligations. Among them, but not limited to, strikes, both of its own workers and of external workers, insurrections or riots, as well as regulations issued by any civil or military authority, natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, lightning or fires, wars, employer lockouts, or any other force majeure situation.

The user of the site will personally respond for any damages of any nature caused to Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. directly or indirectly, due to the breach of any of the obligations arising from these general conditions or other rules governing the use of the site.


Without prejudice to the above, the trademarks, trade names, or distinguishing signs appearing on the website are the property of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. and are protected by current industrial property laws. If the culpable or negligent action or omission directly or indirectly attributable to the user of the website results in the infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. or third parties, whether or not there is benefit to the user, and causes Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. damages, losses, joint obligations, costs of any nature, sanctions, coercive measures, fines, and other amounts arising or derived from any claim, demand, action, lawsuit, or procedure, whether civil, criminal, or administrative, Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. shall have the right to take legal action against the user by all legal means available and to claim any compensatory amounts, including moral damages and image, actual damage and lost profits, advertising costs or any other kind that may result from its repair, amounts of sanctions or condemnatory judgments, late payment interests, the cost of financing both amounts that may result for the opposing party, legal costs, and the amount of defense in any process in which it may be sued for the reasons previously stated, due to the damages caused by their action or omission, without prejudice to exercising any other actions that may correspond by law.


For any questions or suggestions regarding the above terms of use, you can contact us at the following email address: [email protected]


Access, content, and services offered through the site have, in principle, an indefinite duration. Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. is nonetheless authorized to terminate or suspend access, services, and/or content at any time, without prejudice to what may be provided in these General Conditions or, where applicable, in Particular Conditions regulating the use of a specific service and/or content intended for users of the website.


These general conditions contain all the conditions agreed upon by the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and will be considered as non-existent any prior statements, commitments, or promises, whether verbal, written, or implicit, related to the subject matter hereof. The fact that either party does not demand compliance with any of the established conditions in these general conditions or, where applicable, in particular conditions regulating the use of a specific service and/or content intended for users of the website at a given time, cannot be interpreted by the other as a waiver to demand compliance in the future.


In the event that any clause of these general conditions or, where applicable, particular conditions regulating the use of a specific service and/or content intended for the clients of Sistema de Comunicación Integrado VINSA S.L. and/or users of the website, is found to be void or null, in whole or in part, this nullity or annulability will not affect the validity of other clauses, which will remain fully effective and valid, unless the party claiming its nullity or annulability proves that without the clause that is null or void the purposes pursued by these Conditions cannot be fulfilled.


These general conditions are governed by Spanish law.